I do my due diligence (very late to the gate, I might add) about osteoporosis symptoms, and the news is not good. P There is no good news, if I believe that research and work done in the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis symptoms. PI searched article by article looking for something to report, but found the first line of every article or study began with: "You will not have any symptoms." P This is mostly true if you do not pay attention. P For example, one of the symptoms is loss of height. FE did not take that measure, as I left puberty few decades ago. P The other joint or muscle pain that I never felt, or have trouble getting up from chair without using hands. P, which is still not happenedPto me. P There is one symptom that does bother me, and an increasing inclination. The reason that bothers me is that I have a tendency to lean forward just like my mother. P This can lead to curvature of the spine, so I tried to draw attention to the fact that I constantly remind myself to lift yourself up to my breast bone. P
Some other symptoms of osteoporosis are not so obvious, so you should consult a doctor about this. They can check your pulse to make sure that it is more than 80 beats per minute and a blood test to see how your high level of serum calcium and alkaline phosphatase. These symptoms are present in other health problem, so I think it is very difficult to tell if your bones dear dies. Good old bone density test should take a good snapshot of where you stand. I have one every two years, because every morning, and they can not see enough difference to change. Do not confuse symptoms of arthritis and osteoporosis think you can wait until the swelling and pain in the joints. This disease rears its ugly head before you can say "broken bones". You know, they say, "She fell and broke hip"? This is only half the truth. Generally, in advanced stages of osteoporosis, they "break the thigh and then fall." I can only imagine how painful emotionally and physically, that may be. When they finally went to bed they have a number of new problems to solve as pressure sores or worse pneumonia or blood clots. My own experience shows, such as Harrison Ford in one of his movies Indiana Jones is in quick sand. By the time he realizes that he is in a thirsty drink it dive and there is little you can do. I remember that in his eyes and the feeling that it caused. Here's how I feel, but as Harrison Ford, is out. You should take steps to avoid what is ahead, if not heed this call. If you pay attention and care you can live your life in reasonable comfort. The only thing I can think, in wondering what went wrong with me was that I was on a diet high in protein, very long time. Dr. Atkins was my hero, and lasix 60 mg he kept me thin for several years. Do I know little impact diet high in protein. I remember, leg cramps and a dull pain, but I do not remember any discomfort until I decided to work and exercise less. I noticed several years ago that my back will ache like I went down a steep, but I thought it was a structural problem for my chiropractor. It never dawned on me that I went to your "floating sand." Thus, the moral of my stories is to pay attention to your body pain and headaches and stay balanced diet. Basic Guide Canada Food is a good example in life. Do not forget to use your lungs, bones and muscles, you will be high and strong and in your old age. I'm sure you all agree that the period between 30 and 50 fly with lightning speed, and from there on time accelerating even faster. Anyway, we do not have time to eat properly and exercise, but we really need to sit back and think about the consequences if we do not do. It is time to put yourself first or I end up with the burden of my family, and is the last thing I want. Osteoporosis Symptoms fine, but it's not an excuse for those who suffer the consequences, so my advice and listen to the tips of your body gives you. Note the small changes you see or feel, and if you are a candidate for the treatment of osteoporosis, do your due diligence and your analysis, you'll be glad you did. .
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